
In my work, I apply experience gained from multiple self-development courses and techniques from American and Eastern teachers (David Deida, Joseph Kramer, Mirzakarim Norbekov, Alexander Sviyash, Monika Reinhardt-Rang Dröl).

Tantra massage can help you to find a good relationship, for couples to prolong pleasure and deepen the love between each other. Tantric massage for men can help to find new ways to expand pleasure, solve problems with jealousy, and self-acceptance, and get a feeling of freedom with their orientation.


Body Mind Gestalt Therapy online

If you like tantric massage or any other kind of touch for developing sensitivity, Body Mind Gestalt Therapy (BMGT) could be a great way to show you deeper levels of connection with your body and consciousness. Moreover, you will be able to find a solution to issues of your disturbing emotions, thoughts, feelings, physical problems, and annoying repeated patterns. The session is safe, without any external advice or evaluation. The BMGT session expands the horizons and leads to better relations with your partner/friends etc.

One session takes about 50 min. We can use Skype or the Zoom program. Call without video also works well. The price is 850,- NOK per session.

I’ll be glad to guide your way to a better life.

Relationship Coaching

For a coaching session, you can come alone or with your partner. Coaching includes an introductory talk and an explanation of your problem or intention. During a coaching session, I can offer to do some practices like breathwork, and moving or you can just learn how to feel and understand each other better. Bringing more awareness in the body helps connect to one’s emotions, intuition, and experience of one’s inner truth.

How coaching can help:
– brings more understanding of differences between the male and female way of thinking, experiencing emotions and pleasure in intimate life;
– deepens and refreshes relationship;
– it shows to single people how to be more confident and ready for the new relationship
– releases tension between partners and brings more closeness

Rang Dröl sessions

Rang Dröl – the Tibetan expression that means “to free oneself”, –  is a system of self-healing techniques that is older than 3000 years. It is also spread with the Japanese title – Jin Shin Jyutsu. It is based on the knowledge of energy flows in the body (according to Chinese medicine) and the ways of its harmonization. Rang Drol works simultaneously on the physical, emotional, and mental levels which enables them not only to heal many diseases but also remove their cause. The big advantage of Rang Drol is safety because it is not possible to harm or do “too much” for the body or psyche.

While Rang Dröl session I chose the treatment according to the information received from the client and examination of his/her overall condition. What does the treatment look like itself? During the session, I hold special spots (energy gates) on the client’s body with my hands in different combinations that activate self-healing processes in a very relaxing and natural way. During the treatment, a client is dressed in comfortable clothes, and lying on the table.

In order to achieve stable results, it is necessary regularly to repeat the treatment. It is very simple to learn and use Rang Drol techniques by yourself at home without the assistance of a therapist. When the changes come it is better to visit the therapist again to determine the next step in the healing process.

Tantric massage in your place

I can also provide tantric massage in your place – at home, in your office, etc. I have a portable table with me and all the necessary belongings. One thing that you may need is to warm up your room.

Education and Courses

– “Clinical Psychology”, the Master degree of Clinical Psychology, January 2022, University in Kyiv;
– “BodyMind Gestalt Therapy”, Advanced Training for Psychologist, trauma therapy, United Psychological Centre, 2019, Kyiv;
– “Masseur in health care”, classical massage course for medical facilities, NZZ Stanislav Flandera, 2017, Prague;
– “Release techniques”, NZZ Stanislav Flandera, 2017, Prague;
– “Vaginal Mapping and Acupressure”, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2013, Prague;
– “Classical Massage and Relaxing Techniques”, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2013, Prague;
– “Classical Medical Massage”, The New Knowledge, 2011, Donetsk;
– “Intimacy and Touch”, The Course for Coaches, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2010, Prague;
– “The Professional Holistic Sensual Massage Training”, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2010, Prague;
– “Sports and Reconditioning massage”, The International School of Beauty and Massage, 2007, Ostrava;
– “Diploma of Master’s Degree in Economics”, Faculty of Economics VŠB-TU, 2006, Ostrava;
– “Business Academy”, OA Polská, 1999, Ostrava.

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