
“With over a decade of experience, I am deeply committed to the transformative world of tantric massage. My journey began with a profound curiosity about the secrets of heightened states of pleasure. Tantric massage offered a gateway to these mysterious realms, guiding me to uncharted territories.

This practice was so revelatory that I felt compelled to become a tantric massage therapist. My aim? To help others unlock the treasures within, awakening their body’s inherent wisdom.

My Educational Odyssey: Over the years, I’ve encountered numerous clients with unique challenges. This prompted me to delve deeper into my education. I’ve voraciously read countless books, attended numerous trainings, and sought guidance from esteemed teachers in the fields of Tantra, body-mind connection, and sexual healing.

What you can gain in my sessions:

1. Sensory Awakening: With a rich background in diverse touch techniques, I unlock sensations on multiple levels – from bones and muscles to the subtle currents of energy that flow within you.
2. Profound Relaxation: To create a solid foundation, I employ guided practices encompassing breath, movement, and voice. These practices ensure you enter a state of deep calm, grounding, and safety.
3. Tension Release: I use specialized somatic techniques to reach even the most elusive parts of your body. It’s a chance to awaken dormant sensations and reconnect with the often-neglected pelvic floor, fostering a profound sense of wholeness.
4. Sacred Sexual Energy: I channel sacred sexual energy in a unique way, redirecting it throughout your body. Specialized strokes, touches, and focused breathwork guide this energy, unveiling uncharted realms of pleasure.
5. Emotional Support: It’s not just about the physical experience. Emotionally, I create a judgment-free haven where you’re cherished and accepted as you are. You’re enough to receive the nurturing and loving touch you deserve.
6. Comprehensive Teaching: For those who yearn to delve deeper into the principles of heightened pleasure, I offer comprehensive teachings drawn from over a decade of expertise. I believe in full transparency – no knowledge is withheld.

Addressing Sexual Concerns:

Beyond the massage, I can assist with various dysfunctions and emotional challenges. Depending on the complexity, some issues might be addressed in a single session, while others may require an extended series with additional home tasks. My belief is steadfast: real change comes from altering habits, perspectives, and sometimes even core beliefs about sexuality and relationships. For those needing more holistic support, I offer a combination of tantric massage and counseling, tailored to your specific needs. This comprehensive approach ensures we address your challenges at their root.

Each session is an opportunity to empower you on a path of self-discovery, where you explore the extraordinary within yourself and embrace the boundless potential of heightened pleasure.”

Professional Boundaries and Guidelines

1. “One-Way Touch Policy”: During all sessions, whether tantric massage, sexological bodywork, or tantra massage training, I will only touch the client. Clients are not permitted to touch me. If a client feels the need for contact, they may hold my hand, but no other body part.

2. “Hands-Only Contact”: I use only my hands for touch during sessions. Body-to-body contact is not part of my practice.

3. “Professional Relationship”: Regardless of the emotional or sensual nature of the session, I maintain a professional relationship with all clients. I do not engage in social activities outside the studio, such as coffee meetings or casual outings.

4. “Nudity and Clothing”:
– In tantric massage sessions, I may be nude if the client is comfortable with it. Clients can choose to be clothed or partially clothed as they prefer.
– During educational sessions or coaching, I remain clothed, focusing the client on their own experience and processes.

5. “Purpose of Sessions”: Tantra massage is not a replacement for intimate relationships. It is intended for educational or healing purposes. Clients should understand that not all personal fantasies or desires will be fulfilled. The therapist is a facilitator and maintains their personal boundaries and needs, which are distinct from the client’s.

Certifications And Educational Programs:

  • Holistic Sensual Massage ”Tantric Massage” School of Tantra Massage, 2011, Prague;
  • Sexological Bodywork, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2013-2014, Prague;
  • Visceral Therapy, School for Visceral Therapy, 2014, Kyiv;
Somatic Sex Education, European Academy of Somatic Education, 2014-2015, Prague;
  • BodyMind Gestalt Therapy – a certified training for psychotherapists, United Psychological Centre, 2016-2018, Moscow;
  • Embodied Intimacy Training – certification program on somatic psychotherapy approach for healing trauma of relationships, 2018-2019, Sweden;
  • Sessions with Esther Perel – an online learning course with monthly sessions, designed to help therapists, counselors, and other mental health professionals improve their skills in couples therapy, from 2020 up to now;
  • Expressive Arts Therapy Certificate Program – a body-centered psychotherapy training, healing the body-mind through the Expressive Arts, from 2023.

Other Workshops, Events, Conferences, etc:

Christiane Sanderson’s Intensive Course in Trauma-Informed Practice: Treating Complex PTSD;
Anxiety Super Conference 2023- an online program by Conscious Life with D.Siegel, S.Porges, P.Levine;
Trauma Super Conference 2023 – an online program by Conscious Life with D.Siegel, S.Porges, P.Levine & G.Maté;
Expressive Arts Therapy online class with Dr. Markus Scott-Alexander, PhD and Aisha Mahmoud Radwan;
Butoh: Dance Created by Wind – a workshop by Motoya Kondo, Prague;
Butoh: Dance Caligraphy – a workshop by Motoya Kondo, Prague;
Butoh: The Healing Power of Change – a workshop by Ken Mai, Prague;
Shibari for Healing – a workshop by Melissa Maya, Berlin;
Maintaining Embodied Presence When Navigating Resistance – BodyMind Gestalt Therapy workshop by Arye Burstyn, Moscow;
Trauma to Trust – Embodied Intimacy workshop on trauma, Amsterdam;
Expressive Voice – Voice Movement Therapy workshop, Prague;
Freedom in Contact – Contact Improvisation workshop, Prague;
Embodied Intimacy Intensive, Prague;
Dancing with the Shadow – Integrative Dance Movement Therapy workshop, Kyiv;
Somatic Sound Journey – embodied listening workshop, Prague;
Dance Movement Therapy – workshop, Brno, Czech Republic;
Vaginal Acupressure, Scar Tissue Remediation – practical seminar for helping women restore sensitivity of genitals after surgery, sexual trauma, Prague;
Dancefulness – Contact Improvisation festival, Kyiv;
Conscious Sexuality – ISTA Conference, Berlin;
Psyche and Eros – a conference on sexuality in psychotherapy and Tantra by Stanislav Grof;
Sexuality and Psychotherapy – a сonference, Kokořín, Czech Republic;
Karmamudra: The Yoga of Bliss – a lecture on the Buddhist practice of partnered sexual yoga by Dr Nida Chenagtsang;
Self: Cervix – online programs on awakening cervical orgasms;
Tantra: Initiation into Sacred Sexuality – an online program;
Tantric Mastery of Ejaculation Control – an online program;
Pussybilities – workshop on awakening sensitivity for women, Berlin;
Energetic Orgasm – a workshop by Andrew Barnes, Prague;
Retreat for Couples – a seminar on conscious lovemaking, Czech Republic;
Tantric Massage Intensive, Prague;
Psoas Muscle and Diaphragm – seminars on rehabilitation and release, Sensing Body, Prague;
Pelvic Floor Release – a practical seminar on bodywork and exercises, Brno, Czech Republic;
Rang-Drol (Jin Shin Jyutsu) – an energy work course, Olomouc, Czech Republic;
Orgasmic Woman – a sex coaching workshop, Prague;
Family Constellations – Prague, Kharkiv;
Authentic Movement sessions in Prague and Kharkiv;
Feldenkrais Method seminars, Prague;
Contact Improvisation ongoing classes in Oslo and Prague
Butoh, ongoing online classes with Motoya Kondo;
16 years of Buddhist meditation experience.
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