What Is Tantric Massage

Tantra massage is a whole-body sensual massage combining classical massage techniques, caring and loving touch, conscious work with energy, and a genuine intention of a therapist to give a receiver the deepest experience. Unlike the other therapies, tantra massage is holistic massage which involves massage of intimate zones – Sanscrit name for women is Yoni and Lingam for men. Although there is no taboo for experiencing sensual pleasure during the session, a tantric massage does not involve habitual stimulations aiming at orgasm. This approach has a far better effect on the quality of sex life and health and shifts focus on the enjoyment of the whole process. However orgasmic states can be a side effect of tantric massage.

Subconsciously people learned how to limit their pleasure by means of shallow breathing and fast stimulation, taking away attention from the body, fantasizing, creating muscular tension. Tantra massage offers something that goes further your habitual experience. Firstly, absolutely all the body receives a great amount of different pleasurable sensations, sensitivity grows and body relaxes. During the session, we use hot wet towels, soft fur and feathers, different kinds of touches, and oil massage to awaken your sensual potential. Lingam or Yoni massage takes about one-quarter of massage and involves a large variety of strokes for expanding the ability to receive pleasure. Including yoni and lingam massage enables energy to flow freely throughout a whole-body nourishing all cells with vital energy, removing emotional blocks and physical tension. This is the key to ecstatic states of consciousness and profound relaxation. All you need is to have an experienced and mindful therapist.


We offer two forms of tantra massage in our studio: the first one is without yoni and lingam massage which excludes massage of the pelvic floor and the second one which is called Classical tantra massage includes massage of yoni and lingam. Some people, especially women who visit us for the first time, can be unready for receiving a touch on yoni from a massage therapist. That is why we give our clients the opportunity to choose the form of massage which corresponds to their needs most.


The session always starts with a conversation between the client and the massage therapist that can take about 10 minutes that are not involved in the time of massage. We need this conversation to get to know your intentions, wishes, special conditions of your health, and discuss boundaries. You will receive some information on the process of massage and as an option get some helpful tips on breath, movement, and use of voice vibration that can significantly deepen your experience and unblock new dimensions of sensitivity. After the tantra massage, you can give feedback and recommendations that may help us improve the quality of our service in the future. You also have the opportunity to take a shower before and after the massage that is why we recommend you take into consideration that you can spend at least 30 minutes longer in our studio.

If you bring some serious topic into the session and need professional assistance in finding the solution, you should understand that conversation will take a longer time and will reduce the time of massage. Besides, we believe that real development and changes happen gradually and without any rush. If you want complex work and enough time for massage we recommend booking longer sessions and make several reservations.

During tantra massage, you can stay in underwear or naked and partially covered with a sarong. Nudity is an expression of openness, it means that we do not hide anything and there is nothing to be ashamed of but we understand that some people are not ready for this and we adjust to any needs and requests.

Since this work can have a significant influence on the physical and emotional well-being of the giver and receiver, we tend to create a very safe and comfortable space for each side. In our studio the client-therapist relationships based on such qualities as compassionate presence, respect of personal and professional boundaries, honesty, and understanding that men and women function in different ways.

We practice complete honesty with our clients and ourselves. For us, more physical contact does not mean real contact between two individuals. Real contact means “I see you, I hear you and respect the place where you are now”, “I am ready to join you in your journey but I also need to be in contact with my own feelings.” That is why we do not provide any erotic services, any “extras”, body-to-body massage and according to our rules, clients cannot touch a massage therapist.

Benefits of Tantra Massage

Authentic tantra massage can help on many levels.
Psychological health: relaxation, relieving stress + boosting life energy, joy, and optimism;
Self-acceptance: positive attitude to your body free from the feeling of guilt and shame;
Healing the body: premature ejaculation, problems with erection, loss of sensitivity, lack of energy in the body;
Personal development: conscious work with sexuality deepens the feeling of love, contributes to personal growth, and makes us more balanced. Consequently, it improves our relationship with other people;
Supporting intentions and any projects: the energy released during tantra massage can be used for reaching your goal concerning any sphere of your life. We can teach you this technique in our studio.